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Spray Carnations

We expor 1/3 of our spray carnations to the UK. Our other main markets are Spain, France, Germany, and Scandinavia.

On special occasions such as Christmas, Valentine's Day, Easter and the international Mother's Day to Canada, the United Stated and Japan. But we tend to be present in those markets on an increasingly regular basis.

Standard Carnations

This is a different market. Growing standard carnations is more occasion oriented. We flush 4 to 5 flowers per cutting. The way to succeed is to flush between Valentine's Day, Women's Day in Russia and finally the international Mother's Day.

This gives us a total period of three and a half months. During that period our flowers are competing with the select grade from Columbia and are sold only at premium prices.

We also sell flowers to big supermarkets such as COOP in Switzerland, Carrefour and Intermarché in France.

In the UK we are working on having a presence at the supermarket level. This market is developing very fast and we foresee a participation in the future.


Clémentine - Prim'Rose ©
21 rue des Mouettes - Casablanca - 20200 - Morocco
Tel +(212) 22 23 77 77 - Fax +(212) 22 23 77 60
